Connect with others

If you have an eco-project or goal in mind then connections are vitally important. Sure, you could try to go it alone, but do you have the necessary time, finances, skills, expertise and resources to make it happen? Possibly, but if you do you are a very rare exception! Most individuals (and couples) usually lack at least some of the essentials to ensure the success of an eco-project. If that’s you, then join the club! There are lots of others in exactly the same boat as you. But it’s possible to turn that negative into a positive by connecting, trading, exchanging, collaborating, cooperating, joining forces in mutual support and for mutual benefit - and not just on a practical level with artisans with traditional skills and knowledge, but also on a human level with like-minded people and local networks who can help and support each other to achieve their goals.

This is exactly what this web platform is for - helping like-minded people build connections and achieve their goals. Eco-connect can’t deliver your project for you (it’s just a portal), but whether you want to make better use of your land, find somewhere to grow organic vegetables, learn how to build an eco-habitat or find volunteers to help you construct a wind turbine, whatever your project or goals you can use this platform (free of charge) to help find others to hopefully make it happen. The platform is live, free and ready to roll. The only thing that’s stopping you from kick-starting your goals right now is you. You can set the wheels in motion right now by browsing this website, viewing ads, posting ads , suggesting a project, offering to volunteer or doing whatever you feel is necessary to help get your idea off the ground or touch base with someone who could potentially help you.