
More Details

Please start by saying a bit more about you and your circumstances

I am a web developer living in a populated town. Recently I understood that most foods we are not natural and will lead to serious health conditions. So I am trying my best to grow organic vegetables.

What experience do you have in the eco sphere?

I have experience in organic foods and solar power systems.

What are you looking for?

I am looking for financial support for my solar power projects.

What skills do you have? (in your own words)

IT, web design

Would you like to elaborate on your outlook, ethos and values etc?

I like to live a peaceful life.

Is there anything you’d like to learn more about?

Solar systems, bio gas and making home made dry fish

Do you want to stay local or are you looking for contacts in other areas too? If so which?

I am open to all types of contacts.

Please mention anything else you’d like to say

This is a great concept. Keep it up.

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